Chapter Resources

Note: Click on each link to expand and view the content then click again to collapse. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and download these files. Download Adobe Reader here.

Appendix A: Checklist for Evaluating Informational Literature (PDF)

Appendix B: Kindergarten CCSS Checklist (PDF)

Appendix B: First Grade CCSS Checklist (PDF)

Appendix B: Second Grade CCSS Checklist (PDF)

Appendix C: Lesson Plan Template (PDF)

Appendix D: Topical List of Informational Literature (PDF)

Appendix E: Annotated Bibliography of Children's Books (PDF)

Website List

We have included a list of websites that we feel have information that will help you implement the Common Core ELA standards in the K–2 classroom. We picked these websites because we feel that they have quality information and will be in existence for the foreseeable future. As work with the Common Core standards continues, more Internet resources will be available, and we encourage you to seek these out.

Achieve the Core
Sponsored by Student Achievement Partners, this site has a variety of resources to use in implementing the Common Core standards.

ACRE: Accountability and Curriculum Reform Effort
North Carolina educators “unpacked” each Common Core standard so that it is clear what a student must know, understand, and be able to do. The link above will provide you with the website/documents to support teachers in their understanding of the Common Core and essential standards.

Burkins & Yaris: Think Tank for 21st Century Literacy
This site was developed by two educators to help other educators implement quality literacy programs in their classrooms. There are ideas for doing this as well as a great graphic organizer, the Periodic Table of Common Core Standards, that visually presents the Common Core ELA Standards as an integrated entity on one page.

Common Core State Standards Initiative
This organization is most responsible for disseminating information on ELA and math Common Core standards. Included on the site are the standards as well as resources for implementing them in a classroom.

Engage New York
This site is sponsored by the New York State Education Department. It has a video library of resources for implementing the Common Core standards.

Partnership for 21st Century Skills
At this website (under Our Work => Resources => For Educators), there is a Common Core Tool Kit that aligns 21st Century Skills initiatives with the Common Core, lesson vignette examples, and resources for implementing the Common Core in the classroom.

Share My Lesson
This site is sponsored by the American Federation of Teachers and TES Connect. To view lessons, share lessons, and communicate with others in the education community, you must register. There is no cost.

Teaching Channel
This site has numerous videos of actual teachers implementing the Common Core standards. Some include ELA K–2 use of informational text. Additional videos are being added regularly.

This site is sponsored by the Tennessee Department of Education. It includes videos and podcasts with resources for implementing ELA Common Core standards.

Authors: Kathy Barclay, Laura Stewart and Deborah M. Lee

Pub Date: March 2014

Pages: 296

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